Bea Inclusive TV and Podcast - Episode 007
In this episode you will find out:
How you can address child anxiety about wearing masks through Lego®-based Therapy
You will be able to download FREE resources
Hey There,
It’s Beata Bednarska and welcome to Bea Inclusive TV and Bea Inclusive Podcast – the place to be to learn and develop your skills so you can teach and support children to improve their social communication skills.
This episode is inspired by one of my subscribers who asked me if I had some ideas to work around the anxiety of wearing masks through Lego-based Therapy.
Lego-based Therapy is one of my favourite and the best play therapies that could be used in many different situations and can address tones of different issues so I’ve accepted the challenge, spend 3 days, and created resources for Anthony.
I thought that there are more children who could benefit from my resources so I’ve decided to share them with you.
Please support me so I can create and share more FREE resources like this one.
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