Lego®-based therapy. Losing skills. Bea Inclusive TV and Podcast - Episode 002
In this episode, you will:
First, find out the three steps of teaching losing a few objects in a game.
Then, get all the necessary information on what you need and how to facilitate the games.
See how to play the game (at the end of the episode).
Download all three games (written post below the video).
Hey There
For some children, losing an object in a game is a tricky concept and can cause a lot of challenging behaviour for adults and their friends.
My name is Beata Bednarska, and welcome to Bea Inclusive TV and Podcast. This is the place to learn and develop your skills so you can teach and support children's development in language, communication, social skills and behaviour.
In this episode, I will get you through the graduated approach – the three steps of teaching how to lose the number of objects in a game. Lego®-based therapy. Losing skills are usually delivered within first sessions or I have to coach individual children first.
Remember, when we support children with special needs, teaching one skill at a time is best.
So, if our new skill for today is losing one or more objects in a board game, then probably you know that to teach one – children require to perform several other skills, such as:
· Sitting on a chair.
· Waiting for their turn.
· Throw the dice.
· Count or recognise numbers on the dice, etc.
· Move the correct number of fields on the board by using the counter.
· Read the written instruction on the board and follow it, etc.
· Follow the rules.
So make sure that you are teaching the right skill.
I think we are ready to start teaching – losing one or more objects in a game.
Following the graduated approach, you will play three games over three different days:
· Teaching taking the number of objects in a game.
· Leading to losing some things in the same game.
· Mixing, taking, and losing some objects in the game.
The time needed for this game depends on the age and abilities of the children you support.
I usually plan between 20 and 40 minutes and please follow Lego®-based therapy. Losing skills. Instruction.
Things You will need:
Box of loose bricks
Bowls for all players
Counters to move along the board game.
Timer (for transitioning)
Introduce the features of the board Game:
point to the start and finish line
get through the fields on the board
check if they recognise all the numbers
present the moving direction
Model the game and emotional and behavioural responses:
Ask children to watch and show them how to play the game:
The way to throw the dice
The way to count and move through the board
Read the instruction on the landed field and perform the action
Place the number of bricks in your bowl.
Rules to the game:
Explain the rules to children (focusing on the most important one):
Collect the bricks and place them in your bowl.
Assure they will play and build with collected bricks after the game.
Tell them they will have 5 minutes and present the timer.
We must start with taking skills to teach losing abilities, as it is easier to shape positive emotional and behavioural responses. The games are colour coded, and you will point this out to them when discussing features.
The next day you will play Lose It Game, and don't forget to get through the same process as on day one, including pointing to the different colours. Don't forget that this time you will have to provide bricks inside children's bowls (at least ten pieces inside).
Finally, when the children are familiar with both concepts, the last game is reserved for you to mix the skills of taking and losing objects in a game.
I hope you enjoyed this week's Bea Inclusive TV and Podcast episode.
REMEMBER – that before you start playing, you must model the game.
Great facilitators would shape all the emotional and behavioural responses while they occur.
To download all three games, follow the link below.
OK, guys! There you have it!
Now, I would love to hear from you!
Please let me know how you did do it.
Did you enjoy the whole process?
Please let me know what you think of today's episode, and if you have more questions, please contact me @BeaInclusive on all social media channels or simply write in the comment box below this video on
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If you want more structure on how to help and support children's communication and social skills and organise and run your Lego®-based Therapy in your setting, get your butt into my Brick-by-Brick Academy.
OK, guys, thank you so much for being here with me.
Until the next time.
Stay on your game because someone in your class needs your unique skills.
Stay safe, and I'll see you on my next episode of Bea Inclusive TV and Bea Inclusive Podcast.
love and xxx